Tupperware Catalogue

Tupperware Catalogue
Tupperware Catalogue 1958

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mrs Ng

1 December 2011

Been so busy with daily routines. Its tiring but I'm enjoying it.
Caden is 11 months old. How time flies. Love waking up by his sweet smile n kisses.
I enjoy being a mother, way too much.
Been reading up about his tantrums and screaming. Patience!!

Dajie flew in last Tuesday. So glad! She's the best babysitter. xoxo

Eventually, arguments wt Sayang will stop. Tooooo tired to argue. And tired of our arguments over tiny little things, and hurtful. I miss the lovey dovey days somehow.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Utensils drawer

Inspired by Martha Stewart and "I Heart Organizing" http://iheartorganizing.blogspot.com/, I de-cluttered the utensils drawer and re-organize it. I have somehow organize this drawer again and again. Most satisfied so far. =) I think hubby has passed on his OCD to me or I want to impress him too much that without knowing it, I heart organizing myself now. One step at a time. Maybe one day my home will look like Martha Stewart's (lol), and yes Hubs, maybe Vogue Home magazine might drop by for a visit one day.

Spice up my life!

Since I started as a Tupperware lady, I've never thought I'd ever need the Spice Set until mom came over in summer for my confinement. After she left, I found bags of spices & seasoning sitting in the pantry cupboard. Without hesitation, I ordered the Spice Set and "TADA". How nice and neat they look! Bravo! Love 'em!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I HEART Tupperware!

Finally I started this blog to declare my love to Tupperware. If you know me in Real Life, you know how much I love Tupperware. Omg, how I HEART anything & everything to do with Tupperware. I love it's practicality, I love it's plasticky goodness, I love the radiant colours, I love how it stacks neatly to make my kitchen look organised and presentable. I love how it keeps my food fresh, I love how it stops me from using reams of Glad Wrap for leftover food.....
This is my blog to share my love for Tupperware products and its functionality and how they have made my domestic life 10 times easier and make cooking & preparing food enjoyable and fun! 
Besides, I have been trying my very best to conquer the clutter around the house. One step at a time. I'll keep my blog alive with Tupperware, organizing and cooking photos!

* This is not a promotion from Tupperware and I have not been sponsored/ endorsed/ engaged by Tupperware for my personal blog as I HEART Tupperware sooo much!